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Day Of The Week: February 18, 1985

February 18, 1985 is the 49th day of the year 1985 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 316 days remaining until the end of 1985. The day of the week is Monday.
If you were born on February 18, 1985 then you are 39 years old today. If you saved a Nickel every day starting at age 7, then by now you have accumulated $602.45 today. That is, if you did not spend your savings.
If you are into daily horoscope then Aquarius is your zodiac sign. Amethyst is your modern birthstone. Bloodstone is your mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
Rat is your mythical animal and Wood is your element if we consider the very old art of Chinese astrology (or Chinese zodiac).
Who were born on February 18, 1985?
- 1985 –Anton Ferdinand, English footballer
- 1985 –Chelsea Hobbs, American actress
- 1985 –Lee Boyd Malvo, Jamaican spree killer
- 1985 –Todd Lasance, Australian actor
It seems like I know very little about February 18, 1985. I really need to keep up with historical events.
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